The United States and Britain are seeking to
wage the World War III by pushing efforts to launch a military offensive
against Syria, an analyst tells Press TV.
“They’re [US, UK] determined to spark a war which would not just be a civil war in Syria, this would become a regional war and very quickly could escalate into a Third World War because it would lead to a confrontation with both Russia and China,” Edward Spannaus, an editor of the Executive Intelligence Review, said in an interview with Press TV. On Friday, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Russia and China about supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that they will pay a price. The analyst praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for opposing a military intervention in Syria because of severe consequences of the war in the region. “I think we should be grateful that Russia and Putin have stood their ground and have said absolutely no intervention, no regime change, that they will not participate or go along with any effort to overthrow President Assad,” Spannaus said. He also warned that the current situation in Syria is “extremely dangerous” as Western states are still pushing for war in the country. In the so-called ‘Friends of Syria Group’ conference held in Paris on Friday, French President Francois Hollande once again called on Assad to step down. Russia and China both boycotted the meeting, saying they are against foreign interference in the internal affairs of Syria. |
Furious Turkey mobilizes tanks, troops to Syrian border
Erdogan slams ‘murderous’ Assad, warns Damascus that rules of engagement have changed following downing of its jet
The Turkish military mobilized large numbers of reinforcements from its eastern provinces to the Syrian border
on Tuesday, amid rising tension with Damascus, after the downing by
Syria of a Turkish Air Force jet on Friday, Turkish media reported.
Large numbers of Turkish troops —
including at least 15 long-range artillery pieces and tanks – moved to
the Syrian frontier from the eastern city of Diyarbakir. A video
published by the Turkish Cihan News Agency showed Turkish tanks being transported by carrier trucks toward the frontier.
The mobilization followed statements
by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that the Turkish military
will respond to any future violation of its border by Syrian military elements.
“As awe-inspiring as Turkey’s friendship
is, Turkey’s wrath is equally awe-inspiring,” Erdogan told the Turkish
parliament on Tuesday.
“The rules of engagement of the Turkish
Armed Forces have changed,” Erdogan said. “Any military element that
approaches the Turkish border from Syria posing a security risk and
danger will be regarded as a threat and treated as a military target.”
Erdogan closed his remarks with an
especially harsh condemnation of Syrian President Bashar Assad: “Turkey
and the Turkish people will continue to provide all support until the
people of Syria have been saved from this tyrannical, murderous, bloody
dictator and his gang.”
Opposition sources in Syria reported at least 86 civilians were killed by Assad troops on Tuesday.
The father of one of the two missing
pilots who were shot down in Friday’s incident told Turkish newspaper
Hürriyet Daily News that he opposed Turkey going to war over his son.
“It is not appropriate for a country to
go to war over a pilot, an airplane or 50 airplanes,” Ali Erton said. He
said he was aware of the risks his son took as a military pilot, but
added “what matters is that my son serves his country.”
NATO’s North Atlantic Council condemned
Tuesday Syria’s downing of the Turkish jet on Friday, but did not
recommend military action for the act, as Ankara has requested.
At an emergency meeting, requested
by Turkey and chaired by NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
the council clearly denounced Syria’s aggression “in the strongest
terms,” calling the shooting down of a Turkish jet over the Mediterranean “unacceptable.”
“It is another example of the Syrian
disregard for international norms, peace and security, and human life,”
said the NATO chief, expressing his solidarity with Turkey, but making
no mention of retaliatory action.
During the meeting, Turkey briefed the
North Atlantic Council on the downing Friday of its unarmed RF-4E
reconnaissance jet over the Mediterranean Sea. It crashed into the sea a mile inside international waters. The two pilots are still missing.
The discussions were held under Article 4
of NATO’s founding treaty, which allows a NATO member, in this case
Turkey, to request consultations if its security has been threatened,
officials and diplomats said.
Turkey had asked the meeting be held
under article 5, which stipulates an attack on any member country is an
attack on all of NATO.
Rasmussen said NATO was following the
situation closely. “I certainly expect that such an incident will not
happen again,” he said.
The secretary-general has also
repeatedly said that the alliance would need a clear international
mandate, and regional support, before it embarked on a mission in Syria.
Last year, NATO launched air attacks on Libyan government targets only
after receiving a mandate from the UN Security Council, along with
backing from the Arab League.
Syria said the downing was an accident,
caused by the “automatic response” of an officer commanding an
anti-aircraft position who saw an unidentified jet flying at high speed
and low altitude.
But Erdogan said Syria shot down the
unarmed plane in international airspace in a “deliberate” and “hostile”
act and without warning. He said border violations in the region were
not uncommon and that Syrian helicopters violated Turkish airspace five
times recently, without Turkish response.
On Monday, Turkey revealed that a search
and rescue plane sent to find the downed recon jet had been shot at as
well, but did not crash.
The downing of the jet has aggravated
tense ties between the two neighbors. Turkey has repeatedly called on
Assad to step down as 33,000 Syrians have sought refuge in Turkey,
fleeing a government crackdown on a popular uprising.
In Syria’s case, the Arab League hasn’t
been able to agree on the need for military intervention. And Russia and
China — both veto-wielding members of the Security Council — have
consistently shielded Assad’s regime from international sanctions over
its violent crackdown on protests. They have called on neighboring
countries to refrain from provocative actions that could spark a wider
Russia and China vow to protect Syria from becoming another Libya
Farooq Yousafpravda.ru
It is now widely known that the Obama administration, with the help of its allies, is planning to launch an offensive against the Assad regime in Syria. The attack on Iranian nuclear facilities,
with the help Israel, also seems to be on the cards. In such a
situation, where Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya have proven to be clear
fiascos, the dwindling world economic scene can least afford another
major conflict.
Such interventions would not only induce
wide scale human loss but would also bring with them adverse economic
effects for the world states. And with the recent announcement of joint
war games, and one of the biggest, among China, Russia, Iran and Syria,
the signal is going strong for forces that wish to intervene in either
Syria or Iran.
Iran’s Fars news agency reported that more than 90,000 soldiers from the aforementioned 4 countries would take part in the military exercises,
making it the largest in regional history. Theses war games will
include air defense and missile units as well as ground, air and naval
forces and are scheduled for early July.
A total of 400 planes and 1,000 tanks
are said to be taking part, among them 12 Chinese warships, Russian
atomic submarines and warships, aircraft carriers and
mine-clearing destroyers as well as Iranian battleships and submarines
are included. It is said that all the arms and ammunition used for the
exercise would be stocked in Syria from where they will begin.
This exercise also means that it would
be the first time that Russia and China have deployed such a large army
in Syria. This army would also send out the right message for Syria,
that is, it is not the right time to bomb or attack the country. And the
presence of armies of both these states would at least make sure that
till their presence, Syria would be safe from foreign interventions. But
would this be enough to send a strong message to Obama as well? The
answer would most probably be a big YES, as USA can least afford to
enter in to a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for
financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO’s.
With greater resilience from both Russia
and China against any action on Syria, the situation in Middle East has
become like gunpowder. Any offensive from either side may even trigger
the possible beginning of a World War.
It is being reported that the US administration
is planning a military campaign in Syria similar to what happened in
Libya in terms of execution. The U.S. would institute a no-fly zone,
bomb the Syrian government and the Syrian military, and provide heavy military hardware for the rebel forces on the ground.
A recent report by Debka stated regarding the US plans of attack on Syria,
As the violence in Syria continued
to go from bad to worse in scope and intensity, US official sources had
this to say Saturday, June 16, about planned US military operations in
the war-torn country:
“The intervention will happen. It is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when.’”
A Syrian Free Army rebel delegation is now in Washington to talk about their requests for heavy weapons from the Obama administration.
In their meetings with US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford and the State
Department’s expert on Syria Fred Hof, the rebel leaders handed in two lists
for approval: types of heavy weapons capable of challenging Bashar
Assad’s armed forces and selected targets of attack to destabilize his
The basic error that US and its
allies are making in calculating the Syrian situation is that the
country is very unlike Libya. Libya had far less friends compared to
Syria. Assad’s government is one of the chief buyer of Russian arms and
a strong economic partner of China. That is why, the western media is trying to drag Russia in to the mess by alleging it of supporting the human rights abuse carried out by Assad regime.
Moscow seems to be affected very
little by the media propaganda as it still advocates a no-war policy on
Syria along with its ally China. Both the countries have vetoed all UN resolutions against the Arab state. This has made the relations of both the countries with the US really tensed.
In the recent G-20 summit in Mexico, both Putin and Obama showed the tension with their expression as the media reported “The
two men barely looked at each other. You could just feel, sort of, the
tension between them. And the body language really represented how far
apart the two leaders remain on the issue of Syria.” In fact, Putin reportedly was very direct with Obama…. “Apparently President Obama got a bit of a lecture from Putin about some other failed transitions that are going on around the world.”
Although it is very clear that Russia and China are saying No to Syrian intervention, President Obama
clearly seems to defy this intention. If this happens, the situation
would certainly move towards a conflict, a conflict for which the
Chinese and Russian militaries have now long been preparing for whereas
the US military is already stuck in major failed campaigns such as Iraq
and Afghanistan. And with proxy engagements in Yemen, Somalia and
Pakistan, it would be daunting task for the US forces to face Chinese
and Russian militaries.
British forces in Syria, Assad presidential compound said under attack
Unconfirmed first reports from British,
French and Turkish sources say British special operations forces crossed
from Turkey into northern Syria Tuesday, May 26, and advanced up to 10
kilometers inside the country. The same sources report heavy fighting
around the Presidential Guards compound on the outskirts of Damascus.
debkafile’s military sources note that this compound exists to defend Bashar Assad’s presidential palace on Mount Qaisoun overlooking Damascus.
British and Gulf TV stations are again
running interviews with dozens of Syrian soldiers taken prisoner by
rebel forces and transferred to Free Syrian Army centers in South
Turkey. But this time, they are being aired in conjunction with those
two developments, indicating pivotal and coordinated military action
inside the embattled country, or even the start of western intervention
against the Assad regime.
Later Tuesday, Gulf military sources confirmed the presence of British special forces in Syria. Our military sources estimate that the British military
drive into Syria, if confirmed, is designed to establish the first safe
zone along the Syrian-Turkish border, to be followed by more Western
military incursions to establish additional zones of safe asylum in
other parts of Syria.
This follow-up action would depend
substantially on Syrian, Russian and Iranian (+ Hizballah) responses to
the initial stage of the operation.
The reported British incursion, if confirmed, occurred at the tail end of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
24-hour visit to Israel Tuesday morning and would have posed a direct
challenge to his repeated warning that Moscow would not tolerate Western
military intervention in Syria and actively prevent it. Similar
warnings have issued from Tehran.
As for the timing, the double military
drive against Assad also occurred hours before a NATO “consultation” in
Brussels on the shooting down of a Turkish warplane by Syria last Friday, June 22, which Ankara stated Monday “must not go unpunished.”
The two-pronged operation – the reported
British incursion and major clash at the front door of Assad’s
presidential palace – would appear to be designed to widen the cracks in
his regime and speed its final breakup.
US Prepping Air Attacks On Syria While British Forces Cross Border
Jun 27th, 2012 | By Keelan Balderson | Category: Featured Articles, War and Terrorism, World News |
Independent Israeli-based intelligence outlet DEBKAfile are reporting that the US Air Force and Navy are quietly preparing for a “limited air offensive”
and a series of no-fly zones against Syria, while their Gulf military
sources have confirmed the presence of British special forces across the
Turkish border. The Western powers continue to flagrantly ignore
international norms and laws while pursing their secret proxy war against Syria, protected only by the appallingly one sided mainstream media.
According to the report the purpose of the US strategy is not to launch an overt attack on Assad (a disastrous PR move), but to quietly turn up the pressure so that high ranking army officers switch sides and hand over their leader without conflict; thus painting the picture that Syrians are the ones deciding their own fate. It’s thought that this tactic is only possible because of Russia’s recent acknowledgment that they’d support “the departure of President Bashar al-Assad if Syrians agreed to it.”[1] So it would seem that the US want to covertly help along this Syrian agreement. This is not to say that Russia are naive to the detail of the proxy war, but on the international stage, the media portrayal is everything. As long as it appears that it was just a Syrian affair, and the US deny any involvement, then as far as the world is concerned that’s the truth.
Meanwhile the involvement of British Special Forces has reportedly increased beyond the role of managing supply lines on the Turkey/Syria border. According to the report, Gulf military sources confirmed the presence of British special forces in Syria itself, something long speculated, while unconfirmed reports from British, French and Turkish sources claim they have advanced up to 10 kilometers inside the country. DEBKAfile suggest this is part of a strategy to secure a stepping stone of safe zones further and further in to Syria in order to facilitate a more efficient route for mercenaries and foreign arms.
As noted by former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, since at least January [2]: “Unmarked NATO warplanes [have been] arriving at Turkish military bases close to Iskenderum on the Syrian border, delivering weapons from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenals as well as volunteers from the Libyan Transitional National Council who are experienced in pitting local volunteers against trained soldiers, a skill they acquired confronting Gaddafi’s army.”

A rare admission by US officials (albeit as a limited hangout to deny any wrongdoing) came in the New York Times last week. They reported that “A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government.” The ridiculous claim being that they’re trying to prevent Al Qaeda from getting the weapons.
The brazen immorality here is two-fold. Firstly what is the CIA doing helping arm the Syrian rebels in the first place? The US congress has not declared any war, the UN has not passed any resolution, and the implication of physically supporting one side of the civil war means they’re advocating the murder of innocent pro-Assad civilians. Regardless of what the BBC or CNN imply, hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens, if not far far more support the Syrian government [3].
Secondly if the US acknowledge that Al Qaeda are among the ranks of the rebels it makes the whole conflict a lot more complicated than they portray to the masses. Assad has always maintained that early violence was instigated by terrorists. If that’s the case, the West is now supporting the terrorist side of the conflict (regardless of whether they claim to be vetting weapon deployments). Where exactly does that leave the decade long war on terror? What happens when the Assad regime is overthrown, do Al Qaeda just disappear? If the ordinary Syrian opposition wanted freedom and democracy, they’re not going to get it with religious fundamentalists in their ranks. Take a look at liberated Lybia, now ruled under Sharia law by Al Qaeda linked militants [4].
Of course lets stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, the Western powers are aware of all this. It’s their modus-operandi. Since the late 70s the CIA and British Intelligence have been playing Al Qaeda like chess pieces in conflicts all around the world. Their support for the fundamentalists in the Soviet/Afghan war gave birth to Al Qaeda. They continued to support the extremists during the 90s conflict in the Balkans [5]. NATO were working with Al Qaeda linked rebels to overthrow Gaddafi in Lybia. Syria is just the next victim of a long line of proxy wars, where the West has used Al Qaeda as pawns. Perhaps the ultimate goal once again is to stir up a hornets nest with Russia.
If you found this information valuable, please help promote it on Reddit by clicking the “like arrow”: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vongg/us_prepping_air_attacks_on_syria_while_british/
According to the report the purpose of the US strategy is not to launch an overt attack on Assad (a disastrous PR move), but to quietly turn up the pressure so that high ranking army officers switch sides and hand over their leader without conflict; thus painting the picture that Syrians are the ones deciding their own fate. It’s thought that this tactic is only possible because of Russia’s recent acknowledgment that they’d support “the departure of President Bashar al-Assad if Syrians agreed to it.”[1] So it would seem that the US want to covertly help along this Syrian agreement. This is not to say that Russia are naive to the detail of the proxy war, but on the international stage, the media portrayal is everything. As long as it appears that it was just a Syrian affair, and the US deny any involvement, then as far as the world is concerned that’s the truth.
Meanwhile the involvement of British Special Forces has reportedly increased beyond the role of managing supply lines on the Turkey/Syria border. According to the report, Gulf military sources confirmed the presence of British special forces in Syria itself, something long speculated, while unconfirmed reports from British, French and Turkish sources claim they have advanced up to 10 kilometers inside the country. DEBKAfile suggest this is part of a strategy to secure a stepping stone of safe zones further and further in to Syria in order to facilitate a more efficient route for mercenaries and foreign arms.
As noted by former CIA officer Philip Giraldi, since at least January [2]: “Unmarked NATO warplanes [have been] arriving at Turkish military bases close to Iskenderum on the Syrian border, delivering weapons from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenals as well as volunteers from the Libyan Transitional National Council who are experienced in pitting local volunteers against trained soldiers, a skill they acquired confronting Gaddafi’s army.”
A rare admission by US officials (albeit as a limited hangout to deny any wrongdoing) came in the New York Times last week. They reported that “A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government.” The ridiculous claim being that they’re trying to prevent Al Qaeda from getting the weapons.
The brazen immorality here is two-fold. Firstly what is the CIA doing helping arm the Syrian rebels in the first place? The US congress has not declared any war, the UN has not passed any resolution, and the implication of physically supporting one side of the civil war means they’re advocating the murder of innocent pro-Assad civilians. Regardless of what the BBC or CNN imply, hundreds of thousands of Syrian citizens, if not far far more support the Syrian government [3].
Secondly if the US acknowledge that Al Qaeda are among the ranks of the rebels it makes the whole conflict a lot more complicated than they portray to the masses. Assad has always maintained that early violence was instigated by terrorists. If that’s the case, the West is now supporting the terrorist side of the conflict (regardless of whether they claim to be vetting weapon deployments). Where exactly does that leave the decade long war on terror? What happens when the Assad regime is overthrown, do Al Qaeda just disappear? If the ordinary Syrian opposition wanted freedom and democracy, they’re not going to get it with religious fundamentalists in their ranks. Take a look at liberated Lybia, now ruled under Sharia law by Al Qaeda linked militants [4].
Of course lets stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, the Western powers are aware of all this. It’s their modus-operandi. Since the late 70s the CIA and British Intelligence have been playing Al Qaeda like chess pieces in conflicts all around the world. Their support for the fundamentalists in the Soviet/Afghan war gave birth to Al Qaeda. They continued to support the extremists during the 90s conflict in the Balkans [5]. NATO were working with Al Qaeda linked rebels to overthrow Gaddafi in Lybia. Syria is just the next victim of a long line of proxy wars, where the West has used Al Qaeda as pawns. Perhaps the ultimate goal once again is to stir up a hornets nest with Russia.
If you found this information valuable, please help promote it on Reddit by clicking the “like arrow”: http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vongg/us_prepping_air_attacks_on_syria_while_british/
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